Discover your assertiveness profile.
This survey consist of an auto-diagnosis in self affirmation.
Through 60 questions you receive a view on your assertiveness profile (sub -assertive / aggressive / manipulative /assertive) .
You will receive the result at the end.
In this survey we will also ask in which situations you have difficulties into saying “no”; this will allow for the sessions to respond to individual requirements and have recognizable examples.
All information collected during this survey will be treated confidentially and will not be used outside of the purpose of this training. Individual results will not be shared during the training session. The result is for your individual use only.
Duration of the survey starting hereunder: + – 10 minutes.
Auto-diagnosis in self affirmation.
This assessment consist of 60 questions. Answer spontaneously to each question with the answer that is suitable for you
– rather correct if you usually act that way
– rather incorrect if you act this way only rarely